TABLE X. Ambient storage and discharge conditions.
Normal conditions
Extreme conditions
Kind of storage or
Relative humidity
Relative humidity
T storage
113 °F +2 °F, -8 °F
50 ± 20
88 °F (31.1 °C)
10 through 30
(45 °C +1.1 °C, -4.4 °C)
through 105 °F (40.6 °C)
70 through 90
115 °F (46.1 °C)
through 118 °F (47.8 °C)
D storage
70 °F ±5 °F
50 ± 20
60 °F (15.7 °C)
10 through 30
(21.1 °C ±2.8 °C)
through 65 °F (18.3 °C)
70 through 90
75 °F (23.9 °C)
through 80 °F (26.7 °C)
HT storage
160 °F +3 °F, -7 °F)
140 °F (60 °C)
(71.1 °F, +1.7 °C,
through 153 °F (67.2 °C)
-3.9 °C)
163 °F (22.8 °C)
through 165 °F (73.9 °C)
70 °F discharges
70 °F ±2 °F
50 ± 20
65 °F (18.3 °C)
10 through 30
(21.1 °C ±1.1 °C)
through 68 °F (20.0 °C)
70 through 90
72 °F (22.2 °C)
through 80 °F (26.7 °C)
LT storage and
0 °F ±2 °F
-5 °F (-20.6 °C)
(-17.7 °C ± 1.1 °C)
through -2 °F (-18.9 °C)
+2 °F (-16.7 °C)
through +5 °F (-15 °C)
4.7.12 Insulation resistance. Except as otherwise specified (see 3.1), insulation-resistance test shall be
performed. Batteries shall be stored for a period of 48 hours at 70 °F ±5 ° (21.1 °C ±2.8 °C) and a relative humidity of
50 percent ± 15 percent. After storage and while at these conditions, the insulation resistance shall be measured by
applying a direct-current potential of 500 volts ± 20 volts between any two terminals not electrically connected and
between all ungrounded terminals and the container of the battery. The insulation resistance of batteries having a
nonmetallic container shall be measured by the use of a 1 inch-square copper plate making physical contact with the
container. The plate shall be placed with the broad surface against any area of any surface of the jacket other than
that on which the battery terminals are located (see 3.10).
4.7.13 Vibration. Except as otherwise specified, vibration test shall be performed. Each battery shall be rigidly
clamped to the platform of a vibration machine in a manner approximating as closely as practicable the manner in
which the batteries are clamped when in use (see 3.1). A sample harmonic motion shall be applied having an
amplitude of .03 inch (0.76 mm) (.06 inch (1.54 mm) total maximum excursion). The frequency shall be varied at the
rate of 1 cycle per second per minute between the limits of 10 and 55 cycles per second. The entire range of
frequencies and return shall be traversed in 95 minutes ± 5 minutes for each mounting position (direction of
vibration), of the battery. The batteries shall be vibrated in three equal periods in mutually perpendicular directions,
one of which shall be perpendicular to the terminal face of the battery. Open-circuit voltage shall be observed for 30
seconds during the last quarter of each of the three vibration periods.
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